Monday, June 3, 2013

STI - Speculation

In the morning, a student of mine SMSed me and she was worried about stocks free falling. My SMSed to her at 8.35am was it will gap down a little then rebound. In fact I also posted it in the SMMG club before 9am for all my students.

When the market opened at 9am, I spent 7-8 minutes watching the market and there it is, it really gap down and rebounded!! Of course, I posted that analysis on my blog at 9.07am.

Coincidentally, when I went to marketwatch, I saw that STI rebounded and the headline bulletin news was bolded with "Hong Kong stocks swing up from weak open, as bank rise; Hang Seng Index up 0.2%". Hmz, how did I speculated that? I will share soon. don't ever miss it!

One thing intrigues me. How can HSI rebound after a weak Friday night in Dow?? How was that possible? There is only 1 answer to this question and that is the market is manipulated and rigged. One needs to know how to play the game at the correct timing in order to profit with the BBs.

Update: June 3rd 2013, 11.29am

STI had continuous rebound!!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator