Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Ron K - Meet Me For a Breakthrough to Learn the New Pump and Dump

Another sharing session, another event where I held a very closely guarded event and shared my strategies on the pump and dump (Virgin Galactic) where penny stocks are the easiest target to be used as a catalyst to do it. A stock that usually has a theme and a catalyst during a right period with a right blooming market can cause price to spike wildly because that's where the sector is in play and the theme is hot. Well, look at the Top 30 Volume in the Nasdaq and NYSE, they were mostly penny stocks and some of them where themed stocks in play. My job is to pick and scan the best stock and then trade it. Last evening was great because all my strategies were shared and we traded the Dow Jones and made $$!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist