Last week I conducted a very important SOMM private sharing session because I discovered some new tricks in the Hong Kong market and at the same time, I could foresee some stocks were about to break down where profits can be made.
There were many people turned up and I started to share the stocks in my watch list. Keppel Corp was one of them because the stock had profit taking and distribution which displayed some bearish signals. In fact, yesterday during my private sharing, I also reiterated a second time on shorting Keppel Corp so that everyone can take advantage to profit from it.
I am exceptionally pleased to see some of my students copied down all the stocks I shared and started taking actions. Today Keppel Corp tanked down 2% where the stock was hit by wave of sellers. The profits was mounting for my student and he decided to lock in $ earlier just now. With just 8 lots, he was able to make $1240 which is not bad for one week of swing trading.
Moving forward, I will share my basket of stocks only during sharing sessions. So for those who are interested to know and take advantage of it, please come when I conduct one.
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist