Monday, September 21, 2020

Hang Seng Trading - Relax and Watch the Selling Happens

It's a good day for me as I slowing enjoyed and watched how the market got panicky sold down. The coronavirus cases exceeded 30 millions cases world wide while Europe continuously got infected with alarming numbers. I went for coffee and was scanning for stocks while enjoying the ambiance while slowly watching how my student's profit escalated as the market was selling down. The Dow got slammed down hard too where the world wide indices then started to follow through. I think the bad news were mounting and also the HSI chart had a fake long green bar breakout and killed a lot of retail traders where everyone threw in the white towel earlier on. At this moment, I am chilled and relax while I continued to be patient on making wise investments choices and at the same time watching my current investment portfolio to continue to be in green form. The traders network is in good shape. :)

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist