Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Innopac - Merlin Stakeholders Cashing Out?

April 23 2013, after cutting losses on my 1000 lots of Innopac, I knew my timing was off and I made a mistake of buying at breakouts and so I had to pay the price.

The next few weeks, the stock was pretty stagnant and suddenly it started to plunge where yesterday's drop was most obvious. It went from 0.194 to 0.187 in a few minutes and then recovered back. Was it a flush or panic selling? Personally I think it was a flush because there is no way that the speed of dropping would be so furiously fast and the time it took to recover was pretty instant. The velocity and magnitude that it plunged suggested that a lot of public were panicky selling and had liquidated. Did it signal that the Merlin Stakeholders had cashed out their money or was it a maneuver to flush the public? Only time will tell.

Coincidentally when I checked on the insider trades, there are a lot of Ang Mohs' names appearing which suggested that the shares were indeed being sold off from 0.225 to 0.187, from Feb to May this month. I may be wrong on this because I don't usually verify these information, however with prices dipping from 0.225 to 0.187, it suggested that it was indeed selling back then. Why are they selling? What are their intentions? Is the company in bad health? Seriously, I don't know the answer but all I knew was I already cut my losses and learnt a lesson not to buy at breakouts!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator