What a wonderful day today. First I received such a beautiful whatsapp this morning that really kicked start what I would be doing later. I will do my best for all to succeed but one have to help himself/herself by taking actions.
More importantly one student of mine had shorted 20 lots of NOL near day top at 1.135 and is still riding on the profits. Now, many think that because I trade big so you must trade big with me. If I need to answer you, the answer is no need because every individual is different and so trade accordingly to your comfort level will do. The most important is to get the direction right and make $, that's all it matters. This student of mine only shorted 20 lots which is considered ok and is already in the $, so yeap, trade with your own threshold level would do. Will share more tonight.
Update: 17/11/2015, 1:42pm
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist