Friday, October 27, 2017

Miyoshi - 1 Lot Marker + Collections

Miyoshi just had a superb breakout. The stock was in the Top Volume and then suddenly it started to have a wave of big buyers sweeping up the shares furiously.  See the Top Volume and the minute chart, it was beautifully setup for the breakout to happen.

The stock continue to rise and it rose to a high of 0.084. The collection was real, followed by the 1 lot marking, it was a setup to buy even more. The trade record above is not mine. It's my student who longed 300 lots at 0.079 and sold at 0.081 for some fast scalp using the 1 lot marker as taught in my stock operation course. It was in minutes and the trade was done. Although the stock flew higher, still there is another stock running. Congrats!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist