Thursday, October 26, 2017

Unusual Group - Up 9.92% Today

Unusual had a superb 9.92% gain today with a good news released after market. The are joining venture with Feld Entertainment where there could be potential growth for the company. I received a Whatsapp earlier from my student and she just made some good returns in Unusual Group where she sold off at 0.65 with an amazing % return with just 10 lots of trading.

For those who loves swing trading, this means buying a good growth stock which could take time to run and swinging the stock through ups/downs over the trading cycle. I am confident of picking growth stock in less than 5 seconds as it's easy to identify, but to see my student executing and making $ out of it is happiness. :) Congrats!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist