Friday, October 6, 2017

Imperium Crown - Contra Trading with Contra Squeeze

My student just secured $ in Imperium Crown earlier on. The stock was quite bullish in the morning to only simmer down now. He longed yesterday based on Contra Squeezing observed and lock in profits today at 0.091 with $400 within 1 Contra Day. I studies his entry and exit, both are not bad but the best part was he picked the right counter in the Top Volume. Contra Squeezing is a very importnat technique as it allows one to finish a good trade in a short amount of time. Congrats and rotate to the next.


Workshop Date: 10th Oct 2017,Time: 8.30pm to 9.30pm
Venue: I will instruct you in the form of email

Contact Ronald K at with the following details.

Subject: Attending Ronald K "The Stock Operation Private Workshop"
Contents: Name, e-mail address and mobile number.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist