Monday, April 6, 2020

Singapore Straits Times Index - Virus Slow Down?

The market jumped up today with many blue chips stock gap up. It seemed as though the virus slowed down it's pace in terms of the numbers and the death case. The new cases in Singapore rose instead but because Singapore follows the broader market and hence the market cheered and saw a light at the end of the tunnel. It seemed as though the market was ready to run but because there were so much sellers, hence, it just gap up first and dipped lower a little.

The Top 30 Volume stocks were mainly blue chips and many of them were flashing consistently in the Top Volume for sometime as many traders/institutions were trading all the blue chips. In times like this, it's only the blue chips reigns while nothing else matters. Study the Top Volume as there are plenty of stocks for trading in/out. I already fished out a few, have you?

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist