Have you ever wondered what gave me confidence and guts to whack my first NOL trade at 1.01 2 weeks back with 800 lots, then cut a small loss and came back with another 2000 lots and made $86,000 thereafter? For the very first time and a one time event, I will reveal what goes behind the scenes and what sparked me to trade NOL and Vard heavily with gumption and way before NOL was even at the Top Volume nor before any merger news was out, I was already in at the hidden buying, gunning this counter big time.
So for this one off session, I will give out the trade secrets that every traders and retailers want to know and dying for an answer. I don't need a lot of people but serious and hungry people to join me for this session will do. Interested parties do register:
Workshop Date: 30th April 2015,Time: 8.00pm to 9.30pm
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator