Friday, April 24, 2015

VArd - Cut Small Loss and Fought Back

We made a small loss first in Vard on Tuesday. It was so tricky that cut loss was the only option to preserve capital. Since Vard is such a tricky stock, I am more determine to make back whatever small $$ that was lost. So today earlier in the morning, I gave a Vard call to all my WhatsApp clients. Of course, some took action but some stayed out due to it's trickiness.

Those who took action saw what happened in the late afternoon, the stock went on a steroid mode and broke out from 0.59 towards the 0.635 benchmark. For quick $$, some booked $$ while the rest were still holding. All I can sum up is, to play stocks, sometimes there bound to be losses but never let small losses hinder your bigger goals. It was just like my first $8800 loss in NOL before I made back 10x more than what I loss. Be brave and keep moving. :)

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator