Thursday, September 27, 2018

Singapore Straits Times Index - Amazing Recovery

I am lost for words or I should say I am stunned by the recent market performance in STI because everytime I thought sellers would emerged, the market either gap up higher or trended up with buyers. My prediction was wrong earlier and I couldn't see a reason why the STI is up since so much unloading happened.

The Dow had been selling down for the past 3 days, and STI had been running for the past 3 days. So does it mean every time when Dow is down, you buy the STI? Or does it mean when the STI is up and the Dow will be down? Can I know what if the STI is up, should I buy the Dow? There are a lot for question marks in my head but I shall leave it to the market to decide. It's truly an amazing recovery from the STI which was lackluster for months!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist