Thursday, November 5, 2020

Singapore Straits Times Index - Moving Up Strong

The Singapore market has been trending down for a very long time with many blue chips being battered down big time. However in the recent 3 days, the STI had managed to break out of the down trending wave and started to have an uprise. The Dow Jones followed too after last week's panic selling and also started to move up now. The election has no results yet but the polls favour Biden at the moment and the market is doing their forward thinking projection next and hence there was a huge rise in all markets at the moment. See all STI chart and the Dow Jones chart, there was clear signals BEFORE the election started and there was panic selling first before the final run. Is this the start of a major run? I think I know the answer but I want to observe more first.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist