Monday, March 16, 2015

Biosensor - SMMG Club Made $$

I just got a chance to check my SMMG Club and wow!! So many took actions in Biosensor on my earlier call and made $$. I am so happy as it motivated and drove me harder to find good gems in this current tough market condition where only the strongest survive. In this kind of market, it's not listening to tips or any guessing game, it's about skill and choosing the right counter to punt.

I believe the skill I am imparting is a life long skill that won't change for at least 1000 years. For all the trades, track record and all the calls I made, you can judge for yourself on my accuracy. With so many people made $$, I can only say no matter how tough or how challenging the current market is, I will always manage to pick out something if I am focus and driven. With dow down -149 points last Friday, just think about when everyone is looking to short today, I managed to give Tigerair, Biosensor and Yuuzoo. The rest is history.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator