Thursday, March 19, 2015

Stock Operation Course - March Course FULLY Sold Out!

Earlier this morning, I posted on my Yuuzoo outlook where I said that the timing on this stock is just not ripe. At that time of posting, Yuuzoo's buy/sell Q was simply classical yet predictable. That Fake buy Q with a small thin sell Q was just the biggest clue to a lower price to come. Now that I just got back and verify, Yuuzoo dropped another pip down to 0.265 where the sellers were just relentless!

I think I had enough coverage and had covered Yuuzoo almost everyday and so far my DAY to DAY prediction in Yuuzoo on this one counter itself yielded me a 100% on the bull's eye. To make prediction and forecast on a DAY to DAY basis is a tough job as compared to swing trading or long term investments. Don't believe? See all my Yuuzoo post on the below link:

And because of my 100% hit rate in Yuuzoo, my Stock Operation Course in March is fully sold out. Thanks to the last person who signed up for the course earlier just now. Many had asked me about when is the right time to enter Yuuzoo again, the answer is I don't know because I don't use price, I use TIME, for TIME is something intangible where price cannot capture. I will get ready to long Yuuzoo again at the right time when it's ready with my inner circle, so the next time when you see my trade record on my blog, it means a high chance that we made $$ again in this easy yet predictable stock.

My March Stock Operation Course is fully SOLD OUT and I am now left with the May course. If you want to follow me, or is interested in my trading strategy and make $$ with me, next Tues March 24th is the night where I will show and guide you how. We will be giving away FREE Whatsapp alert for those who are coming.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator