Friday, September 20, 2019

Scouting for Good Traders - A Trader Appeared

Just as my previous post on my Youtube video that I am looking for a good trader, one of them appeared so fast. I studied his trades. Small positions but it's pretty impressive. I cared about the wins of course but I pay more attention to the fighting spirit and the stocks selections. For example, see Roku, the stock had bearish signals on Tuesday evening and gap down heavily on Wednesday evening. It seemed as though Comcast is giving free streaming service which is competing with Roku and hence the price tumbled. But that's after the news released where I preferred a trader to short before the actual news released. Lost $ is normal for a trader but I think the will and confidence to fight back is very important for future progression. Congrats and good job!

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Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist