Sunday, April 10, 2016

Learn and Trade with Ronald K - By Invitation, All Have A Chance

I had been lately swarmed by many requests even on my weekend Saturday, asking me for adding into Whatsapp alerts but more importantly a chance to learn and trade with Ronald K. Because the demand is too huge, I have to contain it in a proper manner without slippage. I decided that to learn and trade with me, I will allow you to do so but only by invitation. Everyone has an opportunity with me be it whether you are poor or old, it doesn't matter, the important point is I need to see and know you first before I can make my decision on whether allowing you to join me or not, and hence next Tuesday evening is the day I will do my selection. Be and get ready because I am confident that I will make $ this coming week. Interested parties can register below.

Eventbrite - Register for FREE Stocks Trading by Ronald K x4

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist