Tuesday, September 12, 2017

An Evening Session with Ronald K - Thank You For Coming

It was a good evening session yesterday where I shared more on my mirror service and how it works. I was supposed to start at 6:30pm but instead I started really early due to a heavy in flow of participants. Here, I thank everyone who came last evening out of your work schedule to come listen to me and finally I have assembled my mirror team and I am ready to rock and roll in coming weeks. I will be doing a LIVE Trading session later followed by an exclusive interview where I will be sharing my current portfolio, my trading philosophy and how I believe the Singapore stock market has changed over the years as compared to 5 years ago. 9am later, I will try to pick a good stock for trading according to market conditions.

Here, I congrats one of my student who traded the US market last evening and made some small good profits for the night. Although I seldom trade the US market because the Singapore keeps me busy but I know that my strategies and method works in all markets, all instruments.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist