Monday, March 21, 2016

Spackman - My Best Birthday Present

It was a lazy afternoon and yes it's my birthday and I am working to give a birthday present to all my beloved students. This is how focused I am. I am not so much into birthday parties but rather more into making $$ and see smiles on others faces.

Gave a bullish call on Spackman earlier which I could have gave it earlier but because I was typing the message, the stock just ran so fast that it went unnoticed. The hidden buying was strong and hence it warrants a buy. There was also a flush followed by more buyers follow through. Near closing, the stock shot up to a high of 0.147 and some students started locking in profits. I must say that was fast but we may see more upside tomorrow? Whatever it is, I am happy today even though I am quite tired. The best birthday present is when my students make $$ while I put a smile on their face. Congrats everyone who hang on.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist