Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tech Oil & Gas, Yuuzoo - Contra Wins

I am now fighting with this bull market actively. It seemed as though everything we touched, it turned gold. The latest contra trades was in Tech Oil & Gas and Yuuzoo which my student used the exact same simple, easy strategy I taught in the Stock Operation Course to make a few thousand dollars in just a few days. While most people thinks that Contra Trading is risky, I will tell you it's simple because I have done it for many wonderful years and more to come.

I have a lot of emails asking me about my course but the unfortunate thing is my course is SOLD out for now. I am only left with June 18th - 19th course. If you are interested, you can always write me an email to with your name, mobile number and enquiry and I will get back to you shortly. For those who are added to the Newsletter, kindly make sure my email is not in your spam box because you might be missing out some power stock alerts and insights.

Please like my facebook fanspage as I will be giving out some stocks there soon.

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Thank you for all the support and I am looking for the next trade.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist