I have received a lot of thank you Whatsapp messages lately on students learning short term trading strategies from me and traded effectively where they made $ in the stock market. Above is one of them and this student traded Yuuzoo all by himself and made $700 out of it. As usual, I am happy for them because they were able to use what I taught and get the job done themselves. I had a long day at work today as I was coaching some participants who came for my program today.
And when I reached home and checked my email, I received many emails about my workshop and hence I decided to open up a slot to share more on my short term trading strategies and methods next Tuesday on Nov 15th from 8:15pm - 9:30pm. If you are interested to learn and find out more from me in person, kindly do click and register on the below button.
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist