A Whatsapp and private forum call was given earlier in the morning @ 9:05am. IEV was one of the hottest stock today and hence when it was about to breakout at 0.09, a Whatsapp message was sent out to all students in the Whatsapp list. The stock ran with heavy volumes and shot at high of 0.094/0.095 for 2 times. At that point of time, I decided to give a sell call in my private forum for those who wants to lock in fast $$. From just now till now, the stock tumbled to currently 0.09, back to the price where I gave a bullish call in the morning. In the private forum, I also saw student making $$ themselves using the strategies I taught which made her 3 -4 rounds of profits almost daily as shown in the attached. That really makes my day. It tells me the skills and method I taught was powerful enough to yield her good short term trades which will last her a lifetime.

The stock hit a ceiling and with so much chasing, some hidden selling were detected and hence a sell call in the forum. See the minute chart above, can you spot where the sellers were at the point of time of mad buying?
The rest were history and $$ was made. Here, I apologize to some students that did not receive the call. There was a small hiccup in the morning. More to come soon. I will be sharing more on my Whatsapp talk next Tuesday, thanks for all who registered.
Ronald K -
Market Psychologist -
A Stock Market Opportunist