It was an epic trade earlier last month where I took a punt of one of the Top Nasdaq stock when the market was about to move up. I did all my planning and thinking work with a group of like minded traders and they followed my trades closely. Within hours, the stock rose and the whole market started to moved higher. Of course, I traded big time and my profits also escalated in the shortest amount of time. I strongly believe in stocks selection and I truly believe in preparation work together with analysis work first before taking a confident trade.
I finally accomplish one of my to do checklist and that is to make $100,000 USD in 1 day! Anything is possible if you know how to harness power and then manifest it when you need it with a finger snap. Anyone wants to learn? I plan to hold a talk on Feb 16 for a talk and share all my secrets. I have already got high registration and can take in the last 5. Click on the link below to register.