Sunday, June 5, 2016

Singapore Straits Times Index - Game Plan For Next Week

After studying the STI, many stock charts and some Top Volume activities, I had formulated a game plan next week for trading. I expect the market to be choppy next week with some blue chips and mid caps continuing to surge up. The market is going to get tough next week with a big move coming but I can't deduce the direction at the moment because there were no signs whatsoever. If I need to personally select, I expect a big up move but before that happens, there would be some flushes and mini selling. As for the selection of stock wise and Whatsapp, I will share it in my workshop next Tuesday for those who are attending.

I will be doing a LIVE video for my group on sharing some stock outlooks. Request to join if you are interested.

More bad news for Noble as the stock plunges with rights issue. Will this stock turn into a junkie stock or will it soar from here? I am studying the chart now and will soon share my analysis in a LIVE video form in my Facebook group on what really happened to this counter over the years and moving forward, how should investors approach to invest and trade this counter with an outlook for this stock in the long term.

picture source: the business times

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist