Thursday, June 9, 2016

Singapore Straits Times Index - Tapering Off

STI is tapering off with the underlying stocks starting to slow down too. It meant that my Whatsapp call earlier in the morning was spot on once again when I alerted all my students to lock in profits for Viking but more importantly, I sent out another message 9 minutes later warning that the market will turn sour later. Indeed, 3 hours later, many stocks jammed and stopped moving. How accurate can I be? I don't know but I know one thing, timing is the powerful and most high guarded secret in the stock market!

Update: 9/6/2016, 3:11pm

The market just listened to me and my Whatsapp with so much selling taking place now!!

Eventbrite - Register for a Whatsapp Talk

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist