Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sino Grandness - A Super News Coming

Sino is currently in the Top volume with a rise of 10%+ today. The stock was heavily traded with high volume and volumes in the 5 min chart is staggering as compared to the past few days. The most important thing I observe and watch, just like in the S&P 500 is the base built because I have found a powerful strategy and a high success rate of spotting such bases before a superb breakout materialized.

I believe a super news is coming ahead of this power run up today. I will share and reveal more on how to read and analyse this base built strategy on this coming Saturday's workshop which was why I labelled my button "Learn THIS from me".

Eventbrite - Register for A Step by Step Stock Selection by Ronald K

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist