I was just browsing through some insider trades and one stock caught my attention and that's F&N. Looking at the major trades executed, most substantial shareholders bought this stock on 18/7/2012. Looking at it carefully, the price recorded on Shareinvestor was $8.88, however the high for F&N was only $8.34. So was there some discrepancies to hide their actual buying price? I don't know. All I knew was if those substantial shareholders bought on 18/7/2012, then on the very next day, they would suffer some percentage loss. F&N was halt yesterday 20/7/2012, so what could be the news? See the attachment. We shall see what happens on the coming Monday.
Anyway, just wanted to pointed out that, if one wants to buy a stock, it's always best to buy when it is ready to take off and not when everyone is rushing in to buy. :)
Happy weekend!
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator