Conducted a LIVE Market Watching session today and it was a lot of people. The market is stagnant today and many stocks are taking a breather. Hence, I decided to shared my secrets and my recent calls on how I spot those calls like Midas, M1 and many other. As I shared and almost ended the talk, one of my student just finished his Noble trade and made $6000. He finally locked in profits and got out of Noble which is a good profits for a 1 Contra Day job. I am pleased and felt relieved for him as he managed to heed the advice and made $. See you all soon for the next event.
Update: 25/1/2018, 4:10pm
Noble went halt after locking in profits. Luckily, he heed my advice on closing the trade or this halt could be scary.
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist