I believe a serious amount of profit taking and short selling took place before the market crashed. In fact during the August stock operation, I already provided my outlook to all my students for them to take action and it finally materialized within a short period of time. So tonight, what shall I share and what shall I reveal? It's a students' night tonight and I shall share the Mirach run, Geo Energy excitement and China Minzhong's recent crashed. See all my beloved students tonight. :)
Last night was just phenomenal. I shared with a big crowd on Geo Energy's fake breakout and China Minzhong's scandal. I believed all of them absorbed and learnt something powerful and useful for their future trades. So coming next Tuesday, I shall replicate what I shared last night because I think was very important and share more dark secrets of the BBs of how they conduct their modus operandi. Interested parties can register below:
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator