Thursday, August 29, 2013

STI - Saving Grace

So what happened in the SMMG Club yesterday that constituted a big crowd in the evening?

It was because I gave a call not to short STI yesterday afternoon. The supply was so weak that a rebound happened in STI today! That's how you spot the bottom for yesterday for a quickie punt for a rebound. I will share more of how this is done and maneuvered by the BBs next Tuesday evening during the preview. Interested parties can sign up following instructions below:


Preview Date: 3rd September2013, Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Venue: I will email you in the form of email

Contact Ronald K with the following details.

Subject: Attending Ronald K "The Stock Operation Preview"
Contents: Name, e-mail address and mobile number.

Update 29/8/2013, 5.07pm

Market rebounded fiercely end of day!!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator