Saturday, January 4, 2014

Oceanus, Mewah - Top 30 Volume Appearance Secrets Revealed

As promised during the start of my previous few blog posts, I will make 2014 the year of difference you see in stockmarketmindgames in terms of making $$ and revealing secrets secrets that cannot be found in books and so what did I accomplished last night? I got to admit I wasn't in the best shape due to some matters but it's my show and I got to deliver. Last night, once again, the Phillip door room needs to be open so as to contain a big crowd. I don't know what to saw but only Thank You for supporting and trusting. So in this seminar, I shared the most power strategy ever, a $$ making strategy and everybody wants to know but only shared to those who attended last night!

Have you wondered how I knew stocks would appear in Top 30 Volume with price rising? See the below few posts. There are more but I can't remember everything.

So there was an overwhelming crowd witnessing my sharing of the Top 30 Volume Appearance secrets which would not only make them a better trade, but more importantly a $$ making tool for their future trades. No gimmicks, no hype because everything was shared altruistically with no holds barred. It was all lively and fun session because everyone gets to joke and take back something powerful that will never be shared in books.

It was late, but some wanted to see me trade LIVE and so I asked them to stay back if they want. 10:29pm, I was all ready standby to watch the Dow Jones chart and by 10:34pm, I gave a call to long before it actually broke out. I guess I was too excited and so I clicked the wrong button. The rest who stayed back witnessed my long call before it broke out and some executed with me and made $$. Although the wrong button caused me $540 loss, I never gave up. I promised to the crowd earlier that I was hungry and thirsty last night to make $$, so after a few rounds, not only I recovered all my losses in WE and the wrong button clicked, but more importantly, I felt peaceful, happy, and to see those who stayed back scratching their head on how did I make such prediction. :) Once again, I produced results and kept my promised that I will make $$ last night and delivered results.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator