Monday, January 6, 2014

Acma Ltd - Free Calls From Ronald K in the SMMG Club

Before I conduct my big event for the year, I am planning to get everyone who signed for this year's course to witness what LIVE Trading and making $$ is all about. Basically, students will get priority first before the public since I care more for my students' success. In my past experience, it's usually full house. So public will only get a chance to come see LIVE Trading when there are available slots since this event is free. For those who signed for the course already, I will post the exact details and once you see it, quickly register to secure your slot. Today, I gave a call in the SMMG Club at 8:55am, those who entered made $ now. See the attached screenshot! I love students who take fast and decisive actions. That's how $$ is made!

For those of you who are interested in the course, you can email me at with your name and contact. You will be added to the SMMG Club once full payment is made. Get to see our calls and make $$ before the actual course starts! There will be more events for you even before you attend the class!

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator