Saturday, July 22, 2017

Contra Squeezing Techniques by Ronald K - A Rowsley Outlook

Today was a good amount of people who came to learn how Contra Squeezing works. It a beautiful Saturday morning and I appreciated those who took the time and effort to come listen and see my trades LIVE. The 1 lot marking was once again shared and then followed by Growth stocks and collections. I hope everyone heard my Rowsley outlook and the game plan next week. Since everyone of you took your time to come, I also catered quality lunch food for all to enjoy. I will be doing this event again in August and I hope the Contra Squeezing technique I shared will be useful and never buy on Breakouts pleaseeeeeee!

Eventbrite - A Sharing Session for 1 Lot Marking

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist