Saturday, May 23, 2020

Google Meet - Market Insights and Trading with Ron K

Opened up my google meet and just started to have a 2nd session of my google meet session. I won't be doing it so often because I rather trade than talk but after 2 sessions, I saw results from my traders and it's rather pleasing and encouraging. I challenged Mr Tan last week to make $1000 this week and to my wildest surprise, he surpassed himself and made like $2000+ total in the Dow Jones and also Dyna Mac. I am extremely happy and pleased to see his drive after I gave him on some important insights and tips on how to do it.

Then I got another record from Roy where he made like $1000+ this week from Tilray which was rather also impressive to me because the stock shot up a lot and he longed it before the shot up happened. What's great was he managed to sell it off near peak and profited handsomely since his lot size is small. Congrats everyone looking forward to see more profits from you all. I might consider doing more google meet if I see more traders, more trades in the market.

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Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist