Friday, April 21, 2017

Keppel Corp - Total Profits, $28,750 Swing Trading

So happy to be receiving this Whatsapp messages from one of my student who loves swing trading. I calculated and her total winnings from swing trading Keppel Corp, SembMarine, Genting and others were a good $28,750! I think the key success here is she picked the right stocks when I shared it during my students' sharing sessions. Swing trading makes big $ and it's definitely not difficult if you know how to do it.

Seeing her success, I wanted to help more students to do swing trading. However do note that swing trading requires patience, time and effort to do it. This is not a fast scalp or Contra trade and to do swing trading, the most important point is to know which stock to trade and which stock has the highest potential % return. Here, I want to thank her for coming for all my courses and private sharing sessions. Your effort paid off Ms Ng! Very big congrats!

Eventbrite - Register & Come for my Market Outlook 2017

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist