We shorted OCBC today. Based on my blog post when I first posted in the morning @ 10:03am, OCBC had been really bearish even though the market gap up today.
I am happy to witnessed results from my students who are in the $$ now, short selling OCBC earlier during trading hours. The stock in the afternoon met some road blocks and suddenly wave of sellers emerged to short sell this counter. Here, I am pleased that my outlook and prediction once again was spot on before the real break down happened. OCBC hit a low of 9.54 and closed at 9.55.
The market is in a big momentum shift now, from the bulls to the bear and to protect your investments, you need to know where is the wind moving so that you flow with the wind. So coming Next Thursday April 27th, I have decided to do a market outlook 2017 session to share my views and the global outlook of what stocks to watch out for, for trading. Interested parties can register at the below button.
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist