Friday, May 10, 2019

Comfort Delgro - Selling Down

Comfort Delgro got sold down again today. Just before market closed, Trump issued another tariffs and caused the whole market to turn sour again. Comfort Delgro then followed the fate and started to sell down.

Just Monday before the sell down that is happening now, I blogged about the short term weakness in Comfort Delgro and today it continued to dip further. Although it's a very slow stock, still it's a blue chip that will suffer that same fate of selling should the market collapsed. It's a tough day today as I just cut some small losses because of unforeseen Trump tariffs which issued like an hour earlier. As much as I thought the market would rebound, the news shifted my prediction and vision. Looking forward to the next trade.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist