Thursday, May 24, 2018

Dow Jones - Coffee Trading with Ronald K

The Dow was easy to predict last evening. While everyone thought that it would tank yesterday with the general market, it went to do the reverse instead and closed with +52 points. During the Asia hours before the Dow started, I had already provided the outlook to my Dow Trading participants on what the Dow might do which was up first then down.

At 930pm, I conducted a coffee session with all the traders and when the Dow started trading, it indeed shot up first before started to suffer some sell down. I got caught shorting not at the best price but still managed to pull through and made some profits. It was a test of emotions but I was convicted that everyone learnt and took back something value. It was my time in the evening and I caught a flu but I was willing to help as many people as possible so as to make trading as easy as possible. Thank you all.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist