Saturday, January 19, 2019

Trading US Stocks with Ronald K - A Concept to Actualization

It's a long day today as I shared some tricks on how to trade US stocks as it involved many other concepts like trend wall and the volume. There is more variations ans twist and turns in the US market as the charts sometimes may have many gaps and choppiness but nevertheless, I device a way to read the chart effectively. The above trade records are not mine but it's my students where he followed my trades and profits together with me. The Dow had a good run yesterday but the flush was powerful that he was able to tie through and profit from it. Wynn Resort was a stock we traded last Thursday and it gap up yesterday with high volume while we sold it off yesterday. Looking to trade more US stocks soon and post in my other blog at

Thank all for coming today.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist