Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Student Sharing Event - Consistency in Trading and Winning

It was a night of student sharing session where I shared what's going to happen to Twitter next considering all the press and news surrounding Elon Musk and his acquisition on the company. By using the charts, it aided us in providing some insights and informed decisions on whether to buy or stay out of the stock. Enjoyed giving out some trade secrets while I need to rush back to perform some important trades. Been trading non stop but I really do enjoyed the thrill and the non stop action when the market moves up/down which constantly gives my heart some pumping exercise. I am pretty consistent in my wins and trading activities as I do it almost daily to keep my mind agile so that I don's miss any great important turning points should the market suddenly experience and upheaval. Thanks all for coming and looking forward to the next trading session.

Ronnard - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist