Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Genting SP - On The Uptrend, Touched High 0.73!

What can I say right? Genting SP just shot past 0.71 and touched 0.73 high after my blog post yesterday. Even though the market was red today, still the stock had some amazing strength and managed to surge past all resistance and past the 0.71 mark as highlighted on my blog yesterday! Click below link to read.

Extremely pleased some of my students took the trade and made some great small profits using free analysis as highlighted on the blog. While the most market simmered down, this stock just bucked the trend and moved higher. As I also said yesterday on my blog, I saw some shortists trying to short this counter to only realized that they are in panic mode now because the shares are in the hands of the strong holders. Congrats to everyone who traded and made $$ in this stock.

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Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist