Friday, March 1, 2013

Aussino, Contel - A Saving Grace

It's not always wise to be in the market everyday, there are some days you need to avoid and some days you need to take a punt and yesterday was definitely a memorable day where one of my student will never forget. He was asking me about buying Aussino, and I said NO GO! Well, today the stock had like almost a flash crash. Flushing all the way down and revive again. That to me is scary because it would have scared the hell out of you. When most thought that the trading range was accumulation, I thought otherwise and I will share that during tomorrow's session. I am pretty sure everyone wants to know what I saw which I concluded that it wasn't accumulation.

And while Contel is having a major panic selling now, I had secured all my profits which we the SMMG Club recorded profits with a 100% accuracy hit rate in the month of Jan - Feb, 2013.

So what's next for the market and what stocks am I watching or hunting next? All answers will be answered tomorrow.

For anyone who signs up tomorrow, I will reduce your price and include "The Art of Contra Trading" as a FREE subject in the course for you. Because I believe almost everyone wants to know the secret behind on how to do Contra trading and how I traded Contel in a trading range before the breakout during a 1 month period within the Contra period. Like I said, everything that I teach cannot be found in books and no books will offer or teach you Contra trading. My trade and track record speaks for itself. :)

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator