Yesterday some of my students in the SMMG Club shorted Noble at 1.08 based on my uncanny outlook given privately to the students in the forum. As for why students love my outlook, my seminars, my LIVE Trading, or anything I conducted even though they have to queue up or squeeze with the crowd? It's because they knew the things I shared will almost instantly made them $$. So it's no surprise with me sharing the unloading in Noble yesterday so that they can either short or secured their profits at the top!
As you can see after my post on hidden selling, the Noble operators were indeed performing some sneaky hidden selling so that the public go long on that momentum and the BBs looked to unload on that excitement. I am glad I am able to allow people to make $$, be it from the public or students. STI also suffered reactions and turned mixed as per post this morning!
I don't know what to comment or say but the sharing session at Phillip capital yesterday was uncanny. Public unloaded noble at the top and avert reactions!!!!
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator