So while most pennies were having a scary drop today, some blue chips counters were pretty resilient! If I could speculate that today STI would gap down and then rebound, of course I would need to give students a stock to watch out for. That stock was Noble! It was the underdog of all. Look at the Top Volume, it was all RED except Noble and Dyna Mac. The point is how did I select an underdog and a black horse like Noble when the entire market is not really moving and ONLY Pennies crashing in the Top Volume? The call was given at 9:00am when noble was trading at 0.92/0.925 and as of now, the closing is 0.965/0.97. Most of the students who longed made $$$$, trade records attached!! Another student went long on the HSI warrant based on my outlook today and also made $$$!! Winning $$ was confidence building for the students!
On another note, Oct 1st 2013, a student wanted to long AP Strat and luckily I said no or else she would have suffered a big blow like what you see in all the pennies today!! Serious killing with a red blood of sea!!
And of course, nothing is more rewarding to see students making $$ using the strategies I taught!!
Ronald K - Market Psychologist - The Big Speculator