Update 11th July 2014, 11:15am
In fact, I warned a client about Mirach yesterday and knew it would crash today or I won't post in the SMMG Club this morning before the sell down happened!
Yesterday, for the whole day, Artivision was slowly creeping up from 0.126 to 0.13. At that point of time no one would though that it would suffer a heavy selldown. Many were expecting higher prices to come but Ronald K expect it to crash. Then the moment appeared late noon where suddenly many traders were dumping their Artivision shares and it crashed to a low of 0.119 from 0.13! This morning, Artivision was not in the Top Volume and I knew it would trend lower after short covering yesterday. As predicted, it indeed went south further like there was no recovery!

So within minutes, Artivision climbed from the back and galloped right to the Top volume with price crashing heavily!! All these did not happened when the market started at 9am! So yesterday I predicted the Artivision crashed, today, I wanted to do something with a flair, a Midas touch that no man can perform. Before Mirach suffered the panic selldown that we see now, I posted way before in the SMMG Club where many students witnessed the crashed before it happened! When my post was finally up in the SMMG Club, the sell down happened in seconds as you can see the comments in the SMMG Club! Yes!! In seconds!! Many were dumbfounded and wanted to know how did I see this coming before it happened! I was a man on a mission. After my seconds trading in the Dow last night that yielded me $4700+, today I want to impress all those who signed up for my course to see what I call Adroit Stock Speculation. I don't have to trade the stocks, but I am confident when I say the stock rise it would rise and when I say down, it would trend down, just like Mirach and Artivision, yesterday and today!!
What I saw in the minute chart was simply the same old hidden selling followed by obvious selling later. This is the most powerful strategy that I will teach in my course. Other than that, I remembered during the OCBC event last Wednesday, someone asked me about W Corp if it will trend higher? My answer was it is coming down, be careful of your positions! So did it come today today? You decide!
Ronald K -
Market Psychologist -
The Big Speculator