Jiutian had a super gap up today. The stock suddenly shot up early in the morning and never looked back since. I remembered it was only on Tuesday which I saw this counter at 0.061 and was prepared to enter but did not as I was too focused on the blue chips like the banks. The stock actually looked bullish these past 2 days and I had a chance to enter at a good price with sizeable amount but I decided to stay out since it's not the penny season. Today the stock gap up heavily and I think the results is driving up the price. The STI also moved up with +41 points based on my morning 7:11am outlook. I will monitor this stock closely.
Longed 5.5 million shares weeks ago and got stuck as the general market experienced a heavy sell down. The stock is good but because the market was weak and hence smart money had to sell down. Experienced some unrealized losses but it recovered pretty fast too with renewed interest and buyers.
Ronald K -
Market Psychologist -
A Stock Market Opportunist