Monday, February 26, 2018

Capitaland - Weekend Homework Turned Profits

It was a weekend where I did my sharing session privately to a group of hungry yet passionate traders. I shared some important stocks and outlooks to make $$ today and indeed today came in just as expected.

Sent out a bullish Whatsapp alert for Capitaland this morning when I see smart money eating up the shares and as of now, Capitaland is trading at 3.65 where price had already risen. Those who joined my course last week, congrats, all of you made $$ today and I am happy to see more people profit together with me.

I saw some powerful collections this morning and when my student alerted me that some big players were eating Capitaland furiously, I started to sent the Whatsapp out and then suddenly in the afternoon, more big bites started to follow through and the stock flew. In fact in my personal blog, I shared that I spent a quiet and tranquil Saturday doing homework and knew what stocks to trade for today and indeed, I delivered my services to everyone and hope all of you have made a good ang pao CNY $. Looking forward for the next one. See my personal blog link below.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist