Finished another course last weekend and it's another full house with a lot of new traders wanting to learn some new trading tricks from me. This is my 200th -210th Stock Operation Course conducted and I can proudly say that it's always full house even during tough times. I want to thank all participants who signed up my course and followed my teachings. Some of you even bought the manual and executed with high winning rate like one of my students did as attached above.
During the course, I shared about the precise outlook for AMC and what will happen to this stock this week and to be able to see the stock outperformed after the sharing over last weekend, it once again proved that my strategies worked and my forecast was on the dot. I mean, sharing, talking, teaching is all cheap until the $$ is down on the line, that's where the real talking starts. Seeing others breakthrough was such a joy as compared to myself. The truly amazing thing is not how much my student made but to be able to see a 100% hit rate and he able to do what I did? That's jaw dropping. Continue to use the manual and use it careful to continue milk the market.