Friday, September 17, 2021

A Night In The Office - Winning Stock Picks From Ron K

It was a night I shared my stock tips and my stock picks for the last quarter 2021. Many of them trusted my knowledge, wisdom and experience to pick the best stock for them to trade and make $$. I spent countless hours searching and looking for the best stock and I shared with them openly while I am proud to say all 5 stocks I chose rallied even when the market was sold down big time last evening before rebounding late night. To chose the best stocks, you need to find resiliency in stocks and charts with good formation setup so that one would not suffer losses while the market is selling down. I was pleased to see my traders made some great $$ from the stocks I picked and gave. Although $1200 is not a lot of $$, it was enough to prove that my stock picking skills was creme of crop. Congrats everyone who came and look forward to the next one if any.

Ronald K - Market Psychologist - A Stock Market Opportunist